miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011


The Man in the Iron Mask is an adventure rooted in the classic plot device of double personality, in which heroes who move between action, humor, and love, test their courage, their bravery, honestly ... In short, a story of Alexander Dumas's hand where heroes and villains, betrayal and truth, good and evil, come face to face.


cabinet .- castenere m chest
chestnut-tree .- cystel f, cysten f
constrain .-  wv/t2 néadian
nægledsinc .- n (-es/-) studded vessel
néahdǽl .- m (-es/-as) neighborhood, a neighboring part
lácgeofa .- m (-n/-n) generous giver
racentéah .-  f (-téage/-téaga) chain, fetter
palente .- f (-an/-an) palace [Late L palantium]
yfelsacend.-  m (-es/-) blasphemer
ealdhettende .-  m pl old foes
elþéodisc .- adj foreign, strange
eorðbyrgen .-  f (-ne/-na) grave

The queen

In compliance with the marital agreement signed in 1611, was married on October 18, 1615 in Burgos with Louis XIII of France (1601-1643), son of Henry IV (1553-1610) and Marie de Medici (1575-1642). The link held in Spain, was not present Louis XIII, who was represented, in Burgos, by the Duke of Uceda. That same day, Isabel de Borbón, sister of Louis XIII married in Bordeaux with the prince Felipe, brother of Anne, the future King Philip IV of Spain. Both princesses were quickly "exchanged" (the one to France and the other to Spain) in the Isle of Pheasants, located on the banks of the river Bidasoa, near Hendaye. The marriage of Anne of Austria and Louis XIII was held in Bordeaux on November 21, 1615

Luis XIV

Louis XIV is considered the biggest in French history. Louis XIV placed a Bourbon on the Spanish throne, until then the main enemy of France, ending centuries of rivalry with that European country dating back to the time of Charles I. The Bourbons were maintained on the Spanish throne for the rest of the thirteenth century but from 1808 were overthrown and restored several times. Their wars and extravagant palaces bankrupted the State (although it is true that France was recovered in a few years), which led him to raise taxes on the peasants and the nobility and clergy had exemption from taxes.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2011

The failure of the plan

After the queen leaves the room, the plan seems to go in the right direction, until it reaches Cristina (engaged to Raul, the son of Athos, who was "killed" by Luis in the war) yelling at the king that he was a murder.  We mention that she was in the palace bound by Luis and against her will. So  Philip listen  and try to  apologize for the problem.  When d'Artagnan realizes that the person on the throne was not Luis, but Philip. He sends a call to all to stop the plan. Musketeers Atos, Portos and Aramis,discover    the plan. The army tries to catch the 3 Musketeers without success, only was caught.
Luis ordered to return to lock up his brother and put the same mask, and as Athos, Porthos and Aramis orders are sought and executed for having made all his plan and for having betrayed the king.

The mean topic

Friendship, is give all if your friend needs you. It is also the community of interests and tastes (more than idiosyncratic differences), the ability to enjoy together and take the plunge together, to suffer without separating. One for all and all for one.

Literary style of the work

Historical novel in which historical events are recounted with truthfulness. Highlight magnificent qualities and flaws of the characters, to create and maintain the dramatic tension in his work. The D'Artagnan fraternal alliance with the other musketeers is created by the author because even if they existed and were musketeers, all belong to different